Two Hat Security

Two Hat Security

Since 2012, his company’s AI- driven content moderation platform has been identifying and preventing harmful online behaviour, including cyberbullying, abuse, hate speech, violent threats and child exploitation, all while enforcing rules of conduct in online communities.

“Some of the largest companies in the world trust our team to keep their users safe,” Priebe explains. “We now process over 100 billion human interactions every month. To put it in perspective, that’s six times the reported size of Twitter.”

Two Hat’s success was recognized in 2017 when they were awarded the largest MITACS cluster grant of over three million dollars to work with universities.

“We looked all over Canada for leading universities to partner with, and to our surprise, one of our best has been here at home with UBC Okanagan.”

Most recently, the World Economic Forum selected Two Hat as one of its most promising Technology Pioneers of 2020 for its groundbreaking platform, offering the opportunity to engage with other industry leaders and work with public and private experts.

When asked about the infrastructure in place to help get his organization off the ground, Priebe credits the many programs designed to support start-ups here in the Okanagan. “Accelerate Okanagan has definitely been a great friend and supporter of Two Hat and our mission,” says Priebe. “I was still in my basement when I heard about AO and their programs. They helped us get our first desks, a mentor, community services, as well as legal and accounting firms who volunteered and helped get us set up. It would have cost thousands of dollars to hire any of their services and here they all were giving me amazing deals.”


They say when one hangar door closes, another one opens. The Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp. (AEM) story began in 2009 when respected avionics company, Northern Airborne Technology, ceased business after thirty years. Employees saw an opportunity to purchase it and have since grown the new company AEM into a vertically integrated provider of specialty aviation solutions, and they’ve never looked back.

Today, AEM is an approved OEM supplier to aircraft manufacturers such as Bell, Boeing Rotorcraft, Leonardo, Airbus Helicopters, Sikorsky, and Embraer. Out of their 40,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility in Kelowna’s north end, more than 115 specialized people design, develop and manufacture avionics products for the aviation industry’s Special Mission sector – aerial law enforcement, aerial firefighting and aerial search and rescue. Products such as aircraft communication and loudspeaker systems, avionics consoles, mission radios, and caution/warning panels.

The growing business also develops, manufactures, sells, and supports Comparative Vacuum Monitoring (CVM™) sensor technology and equipment, which help commercial airlines meet crack detection and inspection requirements for certain metal components of commercial airframes. Working in collaboration with Delta Air Lines and Boeing, CVM™ is the first FAA approved airframe crack detection compliance sensor solution for use on select B737 aircraft.

“We’re considered a small to medium sized business,” explains GM Taylor Wylie. “We operate in a niche market, so most of our products compete with only two or three key competitors. Our employees’ commitment to high standards and continuous improvement are instrumental in achieving a high level of customer satisfaction.”

“The aerospace industry has become a key economic driver in the region and Kelowna is an attractive place for emerging talent looking to develop their careers. We find that many non-local applicants want to move here because of the relaxed, vacation-style setting in a growing city full of opportunity.”

AEM is a wholly owned subsidiary of SMS Canada Corp, part of the Structural Monitoring Systems plc (ASX Code: SMN) companies (